When #God walks in, #fear walks away.

When fear walks away, faith walks in.

When #faith walks in, #worries walk away. 
When worries walk away,peace walks in

When peace walks in, fears walk away
When fear walks away, God walks in.

God is the beginning,God is the end 
All in between is The battle.

The #battle between the "I" and the #self

Remember the "I" will #attack you.
The self will always #protect you.
The I will cripple you.
The self will only strengthen U

When the self walks in, the I walks away.
When the I walks away, #universal love walks in ,
Then #peace becomes your road,
#Bliss becomes your transport,
And #God becomes your #destination

(Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda on Twitter)


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