Jai Gurudev! Jai Sri Lakshmi Narayan! Jai Sri Radhe! Have darshan of Prabhuji from after the services the last three days, and also darshan of the Lotusfeet of Our Lord. The world screams outside, asking for ones attention, asking for ones worries. This is itself a test from the Satguru, from Bhagavan Himself. The only real relationship in all universes is that between you and the Satguru. This relationship is completely unique and every second He is consciously giving one exactly what He should give, and ones mind is gonna struggle with it. Faith is the medicine to this mind who wants to doubt. Guruji said often in India that the faith He sees there He doesn't see anywhere in the world (He made an exception in that point: Ethiopia). The Faith of people to believe and have Bhakti for God in so many forms - not because they want something in exchange, but simply because they love and worship God - makes it possible that Bhagavan Himse...