Jai Gurudev! The Lord is merciful. He who is beyond the creation itself comes down to uplift us and enjoy His own creation. The merciful of the Satguru has no limits, as it is purely Divine. Be thankful all of you who can surrender to a true Satguru: such a divine teacher doesn't allow your ego and pride to stop your development, He cuts out you arrogance being sharp as the most sharp sword. He sustains you and tests you at the same time, and cleanse you, until you become shiny and pure, like a diamond that before was a rough stone. Allow the Lord through all His ways to change you, to take over your life and finally give sense to it. Allow His Lotusfeet to step on your heart, and let His marks there, showering his Mercy and Grace on you, as you became a living temple of the Lord. Thank You my Lord, that I can be part of your game, that I can see You with my eyes, feel You with my hands, smell Your divine fragrance, enjoy Your Prasad..thank You Lord for having mercy on me and making my life divine.
I am just a broken glass, and You the Designer of all
Why do You act like this, as You couldn't fix me
Even if a scar is left, I still can serve You
As I was created exactly the way You wished
Lord of All, Lord of Mercy, Satgurudev
I can hold upon Your Name
And meditate on all divine experiences
But I can't ignore You are now graciously here
Take this broken glass, with so many faults
Fix it, paint it, decorate it and smile
Your smiley Eyes will enlighten all creation
And fill me with Your Divine Love
Thank you for sharing your moving and inspiring experiences. This awakens great longing for Him and sweet hope. Thanks 108 times, especially for reminding about His mercifulness