Sat Gurudev Maharaj Ki Jai! Jai Nitai! Have darshan of my merciful Lord, Prabhuji, showering divine beauty to the eyes which look at Him. Many times I looked at Him today and thought about something that Guruji Sri Vishwananda said some days ago explaining the difference between God and Guru: "The Tattva is the same, but the Lila is different" That's so sweet...My Lord, thank You I can be part of Your Lila here, now! Teach me how I can appreciate it and be thankful every second. You see that picture where Swami is distributing water to the devotees? That was on Sunday morning after more than 24h Gayatri Yagna. The water was in a very small pot, and was offered to Devi (and also Swami's Giridhari, I think) in the puja just before. By Swami's grace, he performed such a sweet miracle (which He does again and again): The water of the pot was not empty until all the 200 participants got one spoon of the prasad direct from Him. Amazingly swee...