Jai Gurudev! Have darshan from sweet Prabhuji, from after abishek today. Also enjoy some nice pictures from the Lord, and also the last one is the Lord Himself in the Ranganath Temple, Mauritius. Ah, and see how interesting, look properly at the second last picture. I found it on internet..it is similar to Prabhuji, but it's not the same murti. It is apparently made of the same material, Adishesh has 5 heads (not 9 like Prabhuji), Brahma is not there, and He is also standing up a little bit, with 4 arms. This is a picture of a "Padarasa Ranganath" murti. Padarasa means "mercury"...I always thought Prabhuji was silver or a silver-like material, and Guruji didn't speake about it since He manifested it out of His Heart...I know Guruji manifested once a Mercury Lingam...one day I may have the answer. But sincerely, this is not the important thing. Important is that we become aware that the Lord is walking on the Earth, beautifully, teaching us devotion, service, right worship, and giving Himself to everyone. He is uplifting us and enjoying His creation, this amazing Lila, and we are so happy that He is here!
Satgurudev Maharaj Ki! Jai!
Om Namo Narayanaya
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